Welcome to stevenagri.com. The website by me, Steven Agri.

Sharing my knowledge of things IT

Things I am currently learning and working on.

Current Projects, November 14, 2020

I currently have my compTia A + and Network + certification. In order to get the trifecta i need the Security + certificate. The current version of security + is 501 and is being retired at the end of November for the 601 test. When the tests switch over there is not alot of notes and study material, so I am making my own notes and updating them here for the CompTia Security + 601 exam.

Steven Agri

I am a professional with extensive experience in the hospitality industry but with a passion for technology and the IT field. I am a strong team player with the desire to expand my skills and knowledge.



Some Copy Pasta Notes in PDF Format
October 24, 2020